Section 7 [UNFINISHED]
Section 7 would’ve been the tenth and final map in the SpakeMiner universe. It wasn’t in development for too long of a time before I abandoned it, but I still have the map files from what I did manage to create. Here are a few screenshots:

The story, from what I can recall, would’ve involved the player playing through the eponymous “Section 7” map, in which they’d perform a series of actions, including solving puzzles, destroying a machine called the “VoidSearcher,” killing a giant squid boss, and getting involved in a fight in a casino. All of this would’ve somehow been in service of stopping a group of Je22 followers from “resurrecting” him from the void, as seen in Focused Location 3. At one point I think the “real” villain would’ve been revealed as Captain Obvious, a joke character mentioned as early as InfiniSalmon 2, who turns out to be a shapeshifter with malevolent intentions.