A significant number of the anti-anti-jokes I’ve written in the past are interconnected and form a continuous (if convoluted) narrative when read together. This narrative has no particular name, but for this website I’ve decided to call it the Bart Ender Saga (named after the protagonist of the first two anti-anti-jokes).
The following index contains these anti-anti-jokes. Note that the story formed from this narrative is circular, though it splits into a separate narrative after the second anti-anti-joke. For the best experience I suggest reading these in the order given here (this is the order they were published in).
The anti-anti-jokes “A very badly written female character walks into a hospital” and “Why couldn’t the T-Rex clap his hands?”, while not necessary to understand the narrative, do integrate nicely into the last anti-anti-joke. The last anti-anti-joke also concludes with a climax that spans across several Reddit comments on different posts; I couldn’t fit this into the site, so if you want to read the ending I suggest just following the link at the end.